
How To Get a Bigger Butt? Safest & Quickest Way to Tone Your Butt

Do you have a flat butt and want to get rid of it? Do you want to shape it like Jen Selter or any other model?

You may have inherited your flat butt or got one after losing weight. We know, it can be a bit distressing for you, if you like to wear tight fitting clothes and you may be secretly hoping for a fuller, shapelier bottom (like Kim Kardashian).

To find your answers, you may end up with various Google searches like – How to get a bigger butt? Well, it’s not that difficult to get one – It all depends on you.

Workouts for the Perfect Butt

Did you know that your hips are made up of 3 types of gluteal muscles?

  • Medius Gluteus
  • Minimus Gluteus
  • Maximus Gluteus

These 3 muscles are covered with a layer of fat and play an important role in our overall wellness, conditioning, and strength.

You may not know that your glutes are what helps you stand upright from a sitting position or a squat, climb stairs and stabilize the pelvis.

If you are having a flat butt and feel bad about it then you need to work on those three gluteal muscles to get bigger hip.

3 types of gluteal muscles

When your glutes enlarge, it gives the butts an athletic, firm, and sexy appearance that you have always wanted. By exercising your glutes consistently from all angles and eating the right the kind of food, you’ll be able to shape your bums.

When you go to the gym to burn your fat and stay in shape, you do a lot of movements that are potentially great for your glutes. However, it will help you to get bigger buttocks if you know how to maximally activate your gluteal muscles during the exercises.

Do You Want To Know Exercises For A Bigger Butt?

If you have a flat hip and want to get Perfect Brazilian Butts, you need to do some hard work, which is good for your assets as well as your body.

There are many exercises that you can do at home without any equipment like lunges, squats, plank and some more. All these common exercises have the potential to get your gluteal muscles firing on all cylinders.

However, most people are not hitting their glutes correctly while doing these exercises. You’ll be able to completely transform your workout and your butt, if you learn to do these exercises over, with an emphasis on your hips.

We have listed a few bigger butt exercises that can help you to learn how to maximally activate your gluteal muscles.

So stick around and start building your dream butt today!

Bodyweight Full Squat

This is the most common and simple exercise to shape your butts. You can do this exercise at home without any equipment.

Bodyweight Full Squat for bigger Butt

Follow these steps for Full squat:

  • Stand with your feet slightly wider than your buttocks and your toes pointing slightly outwards (nearly 5 to 20 degrees). Place your arms straight out in front of you, parallel to the floor.
  • Start the workout by flexing your knees and hips and sitting back with your hips.
  • You should keep your glutes tight and knees pushed out during the movement.
  • Return to the initial position after holding in for a few seconds and repeat. Don’t exert yourself too much; begin your workout slowly and steadily.
If you’ll allow your back to round, it will cause unnecessary stress on your lower back. So, it’s necessary for you to maintain a neutral spine throughout this workout.

Jump Squats

Jump squats will help you to gain strength and burn your excess fat. This exercise has proven to be beneficial for getting a bigger butt. It is quite similar to the bodyweight full squat.

Jump Squats for bigger butt.

Follow the Steps to do Jump Squad:

  • To do this you need to stand with your feet slightly wider than your hips.
  • Begin the exercise like you are doing a regular squat, then engage your core and jump upwards as high as you can.
  • You should land into the squat position to complete one rep. Landing in this position requires control, so do it carefully (Don’t hurt yourself!).
  • Do some reps.

Single Leg Bridges

The single leg bridge is a great exercise to isolate and strengthen your gluteus muscles and hamstrings. If you do this exercise correctly, it can help you tone your booty well and build sexy VS model legs.

Single Leg Bridges for bigger butt

Steps to do Single Leg Bridges:

  • Lie on your back with your hands by your sides. Fold one leg while holding the other straight.
  • Simultaneously lift the pelvis and the straight leg, aiming to make your body straight from shoulder to knee.
  • Flex your glutes at the top of the movement and inhale as you slowly return to the initial position. Do 10-20 reps for each leg.

Donkey Kick your Gluteus Muscles

Donkey kick your gluteus muscles for bigger butt.

Follow these steps:

  • Start on all fours such that your hands are shoulder-width apart and your knees are directly below your bum.
  • Bracing your abdominals and keeping your left knee bent, lift right leg up behind you until your foot is facing the ceiling and your knee is parallel to the rest of your body.
  • Hold this position for a few seconds and then slowly, return your knee back to the original position. Do 10-15 reps for each leg.

Bulgarian Split Squat

Bulgarian Split Squat is one of the best bigger butt exercises to strengthen and activate your glutes and develop flexibility, strength, and balance from your hips through to your feet.

Bulgarian Split Squat for tone your butt.

To do this workout, follow the steps given below:

  • Firstly, stand in front of a chair or bench with hands on your buttocks
  • Place your right foot on the chair or bench behind you.
  • Squat down until your right knee nearly touches the ground.
  • Return to the initial position and switch your legs. Do some 15-20 reps.

If you are able to perform these exercises well, you can start doing weight training. You can do exercises like Barbell squats in your local gym to get faster results and end your quest for searches like – How to get a bigger butt naturally?

Remember one thing, you should always workout under proper guidance in a gym.

Changes you Need to Make in your Diet to make your Butt Bigger

After sweating in the gym or at home by doing some super booty blasting exercises, your buttocks are now in a position to grow.

After exercising, there will be tiny microscopic tears in your gluteal and surrounding muscles, and are in the repair cycle.

You need to eat the right type of foods with the correct mixture of carbohydrates/fat/proteins to ensure the most growth possible for your butts and repair the tiny microscopic tears.

Eat protein rich diet, but don’t overdo it!

Eat protein rich diet to get a bigger butt naturally

Like fat and carbohydrates, protein is also a “Macronutrient,” that is required by your body in large amounts to stay healthy.

Protein is vital for muscle growth and development, so it is important for you to eat protein in good quantity. If you do the above-mentioned exercises and eat protein rich, it will definitely help you in getting a bigger butt fast.

Try to eat protein from natural sources like beans, eggs, cottage cheese, lean beef, legumes, salmon, skinless chicken breasts, soy nuts, tuna, turkey and some more.

If you are eating fish, don’t fry it, instead bake it. If you are eating meat, you should look for lean and unprocessed.

You should eat protein rich diet, but shouldn’t overdo it. If you’ll eat excess protein rich diets, it can harm your body because excess of everything is bad. Don’t cut your carbs and fat intake.

Eat the right type of fats and carbohydrates

Eat the right type of fats and carbohydrates

Some people may guide you to completely cut out fat and carbohydrates in your diet, but you should not do that. Instead, you should avoid poor food choices by cutting processed carbs and fats such as pasta and chips.

Add food in your diet containing healthy carbohydrates like brown rice, quinoa, steel cut oats, sweet potatoes and whole grain bread.

Food sources containing healthy fats that can aid in losing weight and shaping your butt are almond butter, extra virgin olive oil, fish oils, and nuts.

Don’t stop eating vegetables

You may not think vegetables as a good source of protein and often neglect them as a part of a muscle building diet.

But, some of you might not know that many green leafy vegetables are a good source of the amino acid arginine, which stimulates the pituitary gland to secrete human growth hormone to boost your metabolism.

If you add veggies to your meal, you’ll notice that your energy levels during the workout will be more consistent and you’ll not feel exhausted.

It’s important for you to know that vegetables are necessary for aiding digestion of other important minerals and nutrients.

Your gluteus muscle gain will be limited because of less absorption of amino acids. So, you should add vegetables in your daily meals, if you want to get a bigger butt naturally.

Wear butt-lifting underwear (For Lazy People!)

If you don’t want to do anything, you can just buy and wear butt-lifting underwear. You can easily find a number of undergarments in the market that are designed to pull your butt up and make it look bigger and perkier. You can wear these under any of your dress and look HOT!

Wear a high waist jeans because it will button at the smallest part of your waist and make it look small while your hips will look bigger by comparison.

Pills and Supplements

how to get a bigger butt in a week with pills

You may see a number of butt enlargement pills and supplements online or in a local market that promises to give you the results you desire.

Most of these pills and supplements don’t work at all, while maca root powder and agua pills are said to have shown results (According to a few people). We won’t recommend you to go for pills and supplements because they can have side-effects.

It’s better for you to do some workout and eat the healthy diet as discussed above.

Surgical Procedures

If you have loads of money and are desperate to get big butts without doing any exercise or following diet plans, you can opt for surgical butt implants.

In this, normally a pad is inserted underneath your butt skin for a quick lift. Some other surgical options include popular surgeries like a Brazilian butt lift or fat injecting.

Read the following link to know the side effects of surgical implants in detail. Many celebrities around the world have opted for this quick fix route, but we won’t recommend you to do this.

The main reason we are saying this is because surgical implants can be potentially very dangerous and very expensive. Also, it is a known fact that achieving a bigger butt naturally looks much better than the surgical one.

Final Words

To be honest, there isn’t any shortcut to achieve something. You’ll have to do something to achieve desirable results and in this case, you’ll have to work out your gluteal muscles and eat proper diet regularly. We hope that our article will end your quest for finding answers to questions like – How to get a bigger butt?

If you think that our article was helpful for you, do like and share it with your friends, so that even they can know the secret of your Hot Brazilian Butts.

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Creating content @TheLifeSquare. Passionate about indulging in food, drinks, and plenty of sleep. When I'm not savoring those, you'll find me buried in books or exploring fresh experiences.

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